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Vídeo ”Sin dejar a nadie atrás: rompiendo el silencio de la trata con fines de explotación sexual”
Compartimos con vosotr@s el vídeo del evento de alto nivel organizado por la Comisión Europea en diciembre de 2019, por iniciativa de la Coordinadora de la lucha contra la trata de la UE, en el contexto de la sesión conjunta de la reunión de la Red de relatores nacionales y / o mecanismos equivalentes de la UE y la Plataforma de la Sociedad Civil de la UE contra la trata de seres humanos.
#EndImpunity #EUagainstTHB
‘Leaving no one behind – Breaking the silence on trafficking for sexual exploitation’
DG Migration and Home Affairs
Video story from a high-level event organised by the European Commission in Dec 2019, on the initiative of the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator, in the context of the Joint Session of the meeting of the EU Network of National Rapporteurs and/or Equivalent Mechanisms (co-organised with the incumbent EU Presidency) and the EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking in human beings. The regular meetings are a unique feature of the horizontal coordination effort that remains at the core of EU anti-trafficking action, and aim at operationalising the close cooperation between national authorities and civil society that the EU Anti-trafficking Directive calls for.
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