Putting U in the picture. Mobile Bullying Survey 2005

National Children’s Home (2005) National Children’s Home Medio: Informe

Cita bibliográfica: Putting U in the picture. Mobile Bullying Survey 2005. National Children’s Home. (2005).

Mobile bullying survey 2005
Bullying can ruin children’s lives. The consequences of it can vary widely, from making children upset or unhappy to, in rare cases, suicide. Bullying via mobile phone is a new and particularly nasty form of bullying. This is why leading children’s charity NCH has joined forces with Tesco Mobile to tackle this problem head-on. With 97 per cent of 12–16 year olds owning a mobile phone, there is no time to lose.

Página consultada: http://www.avaproject.org.uk/media/28482/mobile_bullying_report.pdf

Para más información: www.stoptextbully.com



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