Programa Make-IT-safe (ECPAT International) [A manual for peer-2-peer activities on online safety]
ECPAT International (2014) ECPAT Austria Medio: Libro / Manual
The “make-IT-safe peer experts” project. “Make-IT-safe peer experts” is a peer education project supporting children and young people to become responsible digital citizens and champions of online safety. Funded by the European Commission, the projec is a collaborative effort between five ECPAT partners across Europe – ECPAT Austria, ECPAT Belgium, ECPAT Germany, ECPAT Netherlands, ECPAT UK.
In collaboration with schools, youth groups and youth centres, 90 youngsters aged 12-18 were trained during the project in 2013 and 2014. The make-IT-safe peer experts learned about the safe use of new techonologies, the prevention on online violence and how to promote their knowledge and assist their peers to deal with risks and problems. They are supported by their “coaches”, trained adults from their schools and youth groups (e.g. teachers, and group leaders).
For more information on the project, visit the project website:
Materiales y guías elaborados dentro del programa Make It Safe de ECPAT International tales como: “A manual for peer-2-peer activities on online safety”: y otros disponibles en
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