Online sexual grooming and exploitation of adolescents is receiving increasing social attention. Drawing on a social influence framework, the aim of this study was to test a model of the direct and mediated relationships between an adult’s use of persuasion strategies and online sexual grooming of early adolescents. The initial sample of the study consisted of 2731 early Spanish adolescents between 12 and 15 years old (50.6% female). Of these, 196 adolescents (7.17% of the total; 53% girls) were involved in online grooming (mean age = 14.93, SD = 0.90). Persuasion strategies by the adult through internet increased the probability of using deceit, bribery, and the minor’s nonsexual involvement. In addition, deceit and bribery were associated with higher rates of sexual solicitation, which in turn increased abusive sexual interactions. Understanding strategies used by adults to groom minors contributes to the prevention of and intervention in this crucial societal problem.


Para más información: 

  • Para correspondencia con el primer autor: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Manuel Gámez-Guadix: E-mail 
  • Estrategias de persuasión en grooming online de menores: un análisis cualitativo con agresores en prisión (2017) [+]  
  • Prevalence and Risk Factors Among Minors for Online Sexual Solicitations and Interactions With Adults (2017) [+]  
  • The Construction and Psychometric Properties of the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors With Adults (2017) [+]  
  • III Seminario Estatal sobre Explotación Sexual Infantil y Adolescente (Madrid, 11 de diciembre de 2017): Ponencias [+]  
  • Programa de FAPMI-ECPAT España: Promoción del uso seguro de las Tecnologías de Relación, Información y Comunicación (TRIC) [+] 


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