Publicaciones destacadas del Consejo de Europa sobre NIÑOS Y MIGRACIÓN 
Los niños refugiados y migrantes son particularmente vulnerables, especialmente si no están acompañados; un enfoque adaptado a los niños es entonces esencial … detención de niños por motivos de inmigración: el encarcelamiento de niños en centros de detención de inmigrantes es un tema de derechos humanos poco discutido en todo el mundo 
Thousands of migrant children are affected by detention around the world. Many are left alone with adult detainees and guards and are vulnerable to physical, sexual and psychological abuse. They struggle to access legal assistance, adequate medical care and education. Despite the known psychological harm, including impaired cognitive development, the incarceration of children in immigration detention is a little-discussed human rights issue around the world.
On 20 April the Parliamentary Assembly launches the Parliamentary Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children. The campaign aims to raise awareness of this issue and urges states which have not done so to adopt alternatives to detention that are in the best interests of the child and allow children to remain with their family members and/or guardians in non-custodial, community-based situations at the time when their immigration status has not yet been resolved.
Awareness-raising and alternative measures to detention are necessary to end the immigration detention of children. In this context, a Living Library will take place in the lobby of the Assembly for you to “read” some living books who can share their experiences about this subject with you. A Living Library works like any library, but instead of borrowing a book, you borrow a person. 
Para consultar la Estrategia 
Otros documentos relacionados: 
Promoción de enfoques adaptados a los niños en el ámbito de la migración: normas, orientación y prácticas actuales (2019) / Promoting child-friendly approaches. Standards, guidance and current practices in the area of migration
Ursula Kilkelly, Dra.Stephanie Rap, Guillaume Coron, George Moschos /Consejo de Europa / Programa Construir una Europa con y para los niños (Diciembre 2019)
Directrices del Consejo de Europa sobre las estrategias nacionales integrales para la protección de los niños contra la violencia. Una estrategia integral contra la violencia
Consejo de Europa / Programa Construir una Europa con y para los niños (2009)
Consejo de Europa / Programa Construir una Europa con y para los niños

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