Título completo: Informe sobre los factores externos,  sociales, políticos y económicos  o la interacción con otras industrias criminales, en la configuración del fenómeno de la Trata.[Deliverable D5.1: Report on how external factors such as socio, political and economic factors, or interaction with other criminal industries shape the phenomenon of trafficking].

The overall  aim of this report is to look at the root causes of human trafficking and to determine the effect of these root causes on human trafficking as a business model. The report identifies the key root causes of human trafficking as addressed by existing academic literature and research from a three-fold perspective: i) political; ii) social; and iii) economic.

The examination of these factors will then be placed in the context of globalisation and considers the impact of globalisation on human trafficking in terms of the liberalisation of the labour market, the freedom of movement of European citizens and the impact of austerity following the global economic crisis. Finally, the report places the examination of the root causes and the impact of globalisation in the context of human trafficking as a business model which uses these aforementioned factors as relevant indicators for the supply and demand of human trafficking in the context of an international criminal enterprise.

This report is the result of research conducted within the TRACE project [+].

Informe remitido desde ECPAT International [+] y ECPAT Bélgica [+] sobre el estudio de la Trata pero desde la perspectiva de los traficantes.

Más información:

  • TRACE project [+]
  • Informe sobre las características y los incentivos de los traficantes y su interacción social [Deliverable D3.1: Report on the features and incentives of traffickers and on the social interactions among them]
  • Apuntes para las fuerzas del orden, los responsables políticos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil sobre las lecciones aprendidas en materia de Trata. [Deliverable D3.2: Briefing papers for law enforcement agencies, policy-makers and civil society organisations on the lessons learned]
  • Informe Revisión de Proyectos de la UE – Prácticas prometedoras en la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos [Deliverable D6.1: Review of EU Projects – Promising Practices in Combatting Human Trafficking]



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