TRaffickings as A Criminal Enterprise (TRACE) is a transnational project, funded by the EU, in support of Member States and other stakeholders working to disrupt and combat trafficking in human beings. TRACE aims to provide a full account of the human trafficking industry by developing a contemporary understanding of human trafficking in Europe. Thus far, research conducted under the auspices of TRACE has described the changing nature of the geographical routes, modus operandi and phases of trafficking; examined the specific characteristics of the different actors involved in trafficking; examined the specific characteristics of the different actors involved in trafficking; analysed how political and socio-economic external factors have shaped the human trafficking industry; and explored how technology is being used for and against trafficking.

Under the auspices of TRACE, the Council of the Baltic Sea States Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings conducted a desk review of existing European project on THB resulting in this report of promising practices by EU Member States. The report finds that significant progress has been achieved with regards to the implementation of projects tackling human trafficking in Europe.

This report is the result of research conducted within the TRACE project [+] 

Informe remitido desde ECPAT International [+] y ECPAT Bélgica [+] sobre el estudio de la Trata pero desde la perspectiva de los traficantes.


Más información:

  • TRACE project [+]
  • Informe sobre las características y los incentivos de los traficantes y su interacción social [Deliverable D3.1: Report on the features and incentives of traffickers and on the social interactions among them]
  • Apuntes para las fuerzas del orden, los responsables políticos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil sobre las lecciones aprendidas en materia de Trata. [Deliverable D3.2: Briefing papers for law enforcement agencies, policy-makers and civil society organisations on the lessons learned]
  • Informe sobre los factores externos,  sociales, políticos y económicos  o la interacción con otras industrias criminales, en la configuración del fenómeno de la Trata.[Deliverable D5.1: Report on how external factors such as socio, political and economic factors, or interaction with other criminal industries shape the phenomenon of trafficking]



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