Guía sobre el tratamiento que se debe asegurar en la atención de NNA en procesos migratorios (Inglés). Children on the move (Guide).
UNICEF (Junio 2017) UNICEF Medio: Guía
UNICEF informa que “casi 50 millones de niños han migrado a través de las fronteras o han sido desplazados por la fuerza, y esta es una estimación conservadora; más de la mitad de estos niños, 28 millones, huyeron de la violencia y la inseguridad con un estimado de 17 millones de niños desplazados dentro de sus propios países, niños en extrema necesidad de asistencia humanitaria y acceso a servicios críticos … “. Los trabajadores de primera línea deben estar mejor equipados para cuidar a los niños en esta situación.
In Response to that and in line with the ISS IC Melbourne resolution on Chidren on the Move, It is our Pleasure to announce that ISS, with leading international organisations** have partnered with two prestigious institutions to initiate the Massive Online Open Course for the Children on the move project. the “MOOC4CoM” will be developed jointly with the Centre For Excellence For Looked After Children (CELCIS) of the University of Strathclyde and the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University.
This substantial achievement, in line with the ISS global advocacy efforts, is Led by our “Chief Advocacy Officer” Mia Dambach and a dedicated team from the GS and various ISS members in full cooperation with International Partner Organisations mentioned below**.
“MOOC4CoM will ensure “Appropriate Care for Children on the Move” by increasing capacities of 50,000 and up to 100,000 inter-sectorial frontline professionals, semi-professionals, decision makers, volunteers and individuals working worldwide with children on the move. The online open training will help workers adopt a “do no-harm” and best interests approach, preventing and protecting children from violence, through appropriate care options, in line with international standards.
Fuente consultada: the ISS guide for Children on the move can be found on the ISS GS website – Advocacy page – or by following this direct link to download this guide [+]
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