Estudio sobre el voluntariado en la Unión Europea «Study on Volunteering in the European Union. Final Report»
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (17 de febrero de 2010) Directorate General Education and Culture (DG EAC).
Estudio sobre el voluntariado en la Unión Europea «Study on Volunteering in the European Union. Final Report», elaborado por la Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency presentado el 17 de febrero de 2010, que incorpora nuevas perspectivas de actuación en la acción voluntaria.
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Para más información sobre Informe España:
- Voluntariado en la Unión Europea: Informe nacional España (09 Marzo 2010). Study on Volunteering in the European Union. Country Report Spain. Volunteering in Spain has increased considerably in the last decade. This new phenomenon is characterised by a high fragmentation of infrastructures and organisations. While there was previously a high financial dependency on the State, creating competition among the organisations for public funding, this has reduced in the past decade and some sectors have found other forms of funding for their organisations. Due to the constitutional distribution of power between the State and the decentralised Autonomous Communities, regional authorities have the power to regulate volunteering. Indeed, a national law on volunteering was issued in order to bring together the various laws on volunteering that exist at regional level. The intention was not to limit the activities of the Autonomous Communities, but to co-ordinate them more effectively1. This report is based on a range of interviews carried out among Spanish stakeholders and researchers, and on a review of local, regional, national reports, articles and papers on volunteering in Spain, including national plans on volunteering. A number of international reports were also reviewed, primarily those prepared by Centro di Servizio per el Volontariato del Lazio (SPES), Association of Voluntary Service Organisations (AVSO) and European Volunteer Centre (CEV). A full list of literature sources and stakeholder interviews can be found at the end of the report. [+]
Fuente: Comisión Europea [+]
Para más información:
- Estudio sobre el voluntariado en la Unión Europea «Study on Volunteering in the European Union. Final Report» Summary (2010)
- Dictamen de 13 de diciembre de 2006 del Comité Económico y Social Europeo «Actividades de voluntariado, su papel en la sociedad europea y su impacto» (2006/C 325/13)
- Decisión del Consejo 2010/37/CE, de 27 de noviembre de 2009, sobre el Año Europeo de las Actividades de Voluntariado que Fomenten una Ciudadanía Activa (2011)
- Año 2011 como el Año Europeo de las Actividades de Voluntariado que Fomenten una Ciudadanía Activa
- Ley 45/2015, de 14 de Octubre, del Voluntariado
- Programa de Voluntariado “Nos haces falta” de FAPMI