Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). (Junio 2012)
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).
Medio: Resumen Ejecutivo (Executive Summary)
Tamaño del archivo: 477.05 KB
Abstrac: This thematic assessment explores the risk of contact child sexual offending posed by those who possess still and moving indecent images of children (IIOC). It looks at the ways in which this risk is managed by the police service and others involved in child protection and the criminal justice process. This executive summary outlines the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the full assessment, which is available as a restricted document to those within the law enforcement community. The summary lists the findings from a literature search and from 97 case studies submitted by 34 UK police forces. These case studies were submitted in order to present examples of where IIOC possession had resulted in the identification of contact sexual abuse. Also provided are the findings of a workload analysis from data provided by 34 forces. The findings demonstrate a landscape of austerity coupled with the increasing volumes of work. The high number of cases requiring action by forces poses significant challenges to the police service. The need to prioritise IIOC cases in line with the risk posed in an efficient, defensible manner is likely to become increasingly vital for forces. The document outlines existing risk assessment methods and technological tools that can be employed in IIOC cases.
Para más información:
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) [+]
- Proyecto Europeo Interdisciplinario Fighting International Internet Paedophilia (FIIP)
- Universidad de Barcelona: Noticia (30/06/2015) “La UB participa en un proyecto europeo pionero que trabaja para identificar delitos de pederastia en la red” [+]
- Escala sobre evaluación del riesgo: Kent Internet Risk Assessment Tool (KIRAT). Email: